Physiotherapy Services
The first step towards getting you started with your optimal treatment plan, is for us to learn more about you.
We do this by performing a full history and physical examination. We also take time to listen to your questions and concerns so that we can really understand what you are struggling with.
Once we understand the journey that you have been on up until the point of contacting us, we will formulate a treatment plan that considers your unique circumstances.
We are here to help you along your journey to taking control of your pain.

We are accredited to offer the Workability Back and Neck Assistance Program (BNAP) and the Work Rehabilitation Assistance Program (WRAP).
The BNAP Program has been designed to strategically manage high risk back and neck cases and aims to reduce the incidence of surgery through intervention.
The program is currently only available to patients who are GEMS and Bestmed members.
The WRAP Program is an active rehabilitation program for patients who have sustained an injury at work, with the aim of getting them back to work and life in the shortest time possible.
The cost of this program is FREE to patients who are employed and their employers are registered with Workman’s Compensation.
- Acute or Chronic Musculoskeletal Conditions
- Injuries on Duty
- Back and Neck Programmes
- Chronic Pain Management
- Sports Injuries
Occupational Therapy:
- Work Hardening
- Hand and Pressure Therapy
- Functional Rehabiliation
- Graded Return to Work Plans

Take control of your pain today
It’s important to seek a physiotherapist as soon as possible after injury. Most injuries recover quickly with early treatment. How can we help you today?